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Heya one and all! *gRINz* Pardon my really belated replies and entries..yupsh! haha what've i been doing? ahz! been reading this "left behind" series of late...really good stuff :) if you guys love thrillers, excitement..hype stuff, this is the series to read...am not saying it's for real although the references are..am hooked on to it and am truthfully a bit spooked by it, caught between despair and undecidedly so triumphant at times one tears... hee anyways, i do recommend you guys pick it up, written by Dr Tim LaHaye and Jerry B.Jenkins yupsh! hee apart from that...must declare that jurong east and esplanade libraries are beyond impressive! haha heard a flutist play the entire afternoon on sunday in the sound room at esplanade...ou xiang!!! haha but i guess i'll know better now than to assume the sound room's soundproof...although it must be great to play their pianos whilst facing such a great view! *sMILez* it'd be nice to live by the sea...with a white grand piano housed in a glass room, facing the vastness of nature... ruthie midarling..wonder how you are over there..hope everything's fun and smooth sailing and i'll be praying for you!
A Very Special GIFT Like No Other :) *sMILez* as always after a huge exam...sat in front of my table with a fujitsu laptop, piles of vcds waiting to be watched..creative soundblasters blaring "tou long juan feng" as i collapsed in fits of laughter...all the while trying to listen to the radio (which was at equally high volumes) when my brother crept in with me bdae present..and asked if i knew what time it was....to which i reluctantly checked and "lo! and behold!" heh...twas my bdae.... *gRINz* so after the multitude of thanks and well wishes...this eager girl turned back to her activity which basically constituted of nothing but noise and loads of concentration when something broke through my "fortress" of sound and thought...least to say even my usual emotional defenses.. No words could ever describe this gift so wonderfully and beautifully bestowed...an answer to the only wish i had for my birthday this year: to be overwhelmed by Your love and Awesome presence... And thus it was given. Despite the comedy and music raring away..despite everything that prevented me from being sensitive to You at that particular moment.. You broke through. And for that hour, You filled and rained upon me with the knowledge of Your endless and depthless love, peace and happiness in You..to be "strangely warmed" in heart that i had no choice but to stop everything i was doing... In seeing Your glory and love i wanted more..to seek and run after You such that everything else became a hindrance...to stop and soak and absorb, to feel and be thankful, to be humbled and to declare once again Your great works in my life... At that hour, i turned off everything that only seemed to pale in comparison to You.. As Your awesome presence filled this place... Thank You Lord, for this birthday gift.. A gift sufficient for me on this day. And i pray that just as You made yourself known to me, however unworthy i was..may You be more than real to those I love...that those who falter, or those whose hearts have turned cold and hardened against You..especially those who have yet to understand that You ARE REAL, and that YOU are truly AWESOME and LOVE them so much more than any other...to be able to bask in that knowledge as they unravel the mystery to life and to love. You.
*gRINz* today ees a good day! :) Hahaha dunnoe why...just feel like being crazy...after going to alexandra hopsital for me checkup (and jumping on ze crispy leaves...ack!!! i love the sound!!!) hee me sis bought me a brownie which was really nice!!!! *bEAMs* haha and dr sin reduced my med dosage by half! goodsh! haha realised i wasn't taking my medicine regularly when i saw this basketful of peenk coloured pills so panicked and took like one more for 2 plus weeks before daring to go for me blood test...haha and the lady nurses were very nice today! haha at least the one drawing me blood didn't make me look (!!-_-)..haha...happiness Yups! haha yesh! i've cut me hair...so now there's a new addition to the "lionness mane" club in singapore...haiz...actually i didn't want to cut it too short...but then the lady asked if i still wanted to tie me hair, and i couldn't resist...haha so she couldn't stop chopping for like an hour!!!! bleagh...haha...and i almost freaked out when she and this other hairdresser started talking (about me hair) and he ended by saying, "i think u better tell her or else...." and looked at my head...ack!!! haha... *gRINz* but it feels so good to have less hair! haha...in the entire hairdresser's my "zone" was the only one matted with carpets of me hair haha...:) and after the whole thing the lady looked at me, smiled, and said, "you have a lot of hair." (!!-_-) *wEEPs* i know lah!!! heh i was almost waiting for her to say it...like what previous haircutters said....haha aniwaes went home..and my parents were speechless..haha apparently they thot long hair was the only sign i was a girl...haiz...haha but the feel of peeps cutting hair and "massaging" me head is really nice... haha...yups! enuff crapping...haha was watching a bit of yi tian tu long ji in front of the comp...and me fingers were bored...so yups! haha...
*gRINz* hahaha! i koped this off mei mei's blog....but somehow my name sounds like some kind of jap food...fwahahaha... My Japanese name is Chikuma Higashikuni.
aniwaes...yupsh! am halfway through prelims! *gRINz* especially the longest chem and physics papers...haha they were almost killer papers, meaning i'm hoping for an average score...at most! *weeps* haiz and we were interrupted so many times by "mr analogue and parfume" man (hee still dunnoe his name)during the physics paper me just wanted to stand up and cry...haha but i'm still thankful! thankful for His strength and because i could really feel him throughtout this period! *sMILez* thank you all frens for praying and worrying for me :) yesh!!! aniwaes...have been going to coffee bean to stardee..hee too many distractions at home, especially after buying zhang xin zhe's new cd (rahahahah!!! it's brilliant!! haha i love the instrumentals!! hee and his voice is angelic man!) and my seductress-ze bed prompting me after every 2 hours...hee in short-inefficient... but coffee bean's brilliant! *gRINz* love their ice-blended..and of course, just plain ole coffeee!!! :) yesh...kind of warming up to these 2 peeps who work at coffee bean who're really sweet and forever smiley! felt quite upset with this guy at the register whom i've never seen before being really unpleasant to one of the two tho...wanted to yell at him, seeing how rude and stuck up he was...come on man! it doesn't mean if the other party's only a bit slower and has a slight learning defect means he has the right to look down on her! i think she's really great and admirable! and i know He thinks so too, so there! heh therefore was rather cold and cut off my smiling part when he took my order...which was contrary to what i normally did..and when she served me my coffee..gave her a smile and thanked her (which is nothing since i would have done it anyway)...haha and he happened to be there lah...he was so stunned he stoned for a minute before muttering a "thank you"...hahaha...then i felt bad and smiled back and said thank you too... *gRINz* do i look really fierce when i dun smile? haha i shall think... *gRINz* hahahaha!!! exams end on wednesday next week!!! haha and of course i'm happy cos the next day's a very important day!!! haha...free to play and celebrateth..*gRINz* well here's a list of what i MUST DO:(to inspire meself to work harder) 1)watch my tv haha...bad girl... 2)read "Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell" (as thick as my dictionary man...) 3)watch "LE Choristes" (haha chris says it's really good!!! haha and he downloaded some of the songs...beautiful!!) 4)watch "a cinderella story" 5)etc... hee but i've been a bad girl...read the last book of shen diao xia lu yesterday..haha..took me a long time to complete..but...Yang guo's really cool!! haha admire his character...suddenly am tempted to watch the show..yup! and my lil brother downloaded puzzle bobble and this poo rain game in me hp...haha i just love the latter!!! *gRINz* as the name suggests...lumps of poo rain down and u're supposed to dodge...hahaha...amusement.... yesh...now i shall delve into math...
(!!-_-) after listening to the chechnya school incident...and iraqi terrorists behaving as though they haven't an ounce of grey matter within that skull... really want to yell and beat some sense into them! ack! irritating! disillusioned freaks.
Stars by David Crowder Band you should see the stars tonight how they shimmer shine so bright against the black they look so white comin down from such a height to reach me now, reach me now you should see the moon in the flight cuttin cross the misty night softly dancin in sunshine reflections of this light reach me now, you reach me now and how could such a thing shine its light on me and make everything beautiful again and you should feel the sun in the spring comin out after a rain suddenly all is green sunshine on everything i can feel it now, i feel You now. and how could such a thing shine its light on me and make everything beautiful and you should hear the angels sing all gathered round their King more beautiful than you could dream i've been quietly listening you can hear em now, i hear 'em now and how could such a King shine His light on me and make everything beautiful and i wanna shine i wanna be the light i wanna tell you it'll be alright and i wanna shine and i wanna fly just to tell you now itll be alright, itll be alright itll be alright. cos i got nothing of my own to give to you but this light that shines on me shines on you and makes everything beautiful, again. itll be alright, itll be alright.
*shudders* the world's going rather crazy...peeps are falling between carriages (how in the world do they manage to do that?) and on the tracks!!! haiz... Yup...and chen lao shi's leaving rj...for crescent girls...sighness..it's good for them tho cos she's really nice and the way she enthuses about life's really heartwarming and inspiring...haha and chinese seems fun wif her around...yikes! Hee did you guys watch the olympics? twas brilliant!!! haha was hooked onto the swimming and gymnastics...and watched fencing as well as canoeing wowee!!! haha the biking one looked fun too! of course...table tennis and badminton were a must..:) hee and as they played the highlights during the closing ceremony...i realised i forgot totally about horse riding!!!!! sobness!!!!! *wEEps*...heh but was really touched when they showed this scene of a gymnast on the bars thing...and the judges gave an apparently lousy grade, upon which there was an uproar for a pretty long time from the crowd and he had to come out and appease them.....yesh...oh!!! and i like this tune which they keep playing! haha actually there are many...but it's the one with the olympic flame blazing past as they have the "channel 5, the official broadcasting channel blah blah..." and they've this orchestrated piece with instrument after instrument flowing in with each phrase...i know it's only arpeggios...but it's nice!!!! haha kept blasting it everytime they played it after some show....NICE!!!!! *shining eyes* does anyone know how to get hold of it? Yep! aniwaes...it's been the start of prelims...had physics and chem prac..as well as gp and phy design...haha really amusing...and methinks i'm quite screwed lah...physics was made up of smoking (like literally cooking up results for the entire experiment) haha and my teacher thot i did quite well...sighness..did stupid things like panicking and not realising the battery wasn't inserted into the case properly and hence no results..bleagh and teo stressed me out by standing sooooo close to my table!!!! haha decided not to disappoint him by telling him what i did.. Yesh..and it was thermometer breaking hay day during chem prac. heh we broke at least three...so now all of us are poisoned..yay. haha was contemplating between telling the teacher the entire bulb broke under me feet after picking it up and i saw no trace of the bulb (cum mercury) at all which basically means one thing -BAD. haha but ah well..so now there are beads of mercury floating in my blood stream...somewhere... Hahaha and gp was amusing...stewed! haha you're the gal man!!! haha keep thinking of "preambulating" ( from the phrase people preambulating on the streets) and your amusing definition "constantly moving about in a messy manner" hahahahaha!!! dfkahfdiuahfoiuadhfakjfhaklo *gRINz* can't stop laughing!!! hahahaaha... yeps! and haha new discovery ! the hokkien mee from the hawkers nearest to buona vista mrt's yummy!! yummy chilli too!!! haha and the best thing: their prawns are deshelled!!! lalalala!!! hahaha you guys must go eat there too!!! yumm!!! *gRINz* okie lah...shall stardee for prelims( hahahaha! happiness!!! my burfday is on the day just after prelims!!! can go play!!!!!!*bEAMS*) ...but. shall go watch "my fat obnoxious fiance" first...*evil* hahaha! we all lurve it here at home lah! yupsh! haha and then burn midnight oil... here's to the addition of the panda population...haha as i crawl around tomorrow...
Heya!! heh after a few weeks of non-existential lingo..i'm back again!!! Lazy bug. Me! *gRINz* have to apologise to peeps who've messaged me yonks ago and wondering whether i still exist...hehe i do read the message! but then my finger automatically goes to the exit button (only have to click once rather then going to menu..reply...etc...) haha pig's lifestyle... Update? haha yuanqi methinks "pig" really suits me...leading a very slackish lifestyle..which ees bad. Velli bad. Monching on one-dollar bubble teas, eating hershey's speacial dark choc (sponsored by chris!!!) getting addicted to coffee (nescafe green 3 in 1!!!) and mos milk tea..muahhaahahahaha!!!! otherwise? boring...hee was in assembly yesterday and they had the dratted announcements on OBS korea....ack!!! started daydreaming of what adventures i could have if i went. IF. haha i miss odac...i miss the mountains...and yeah, i miss the shittiness of chionging up and singing as we pant..miss having to run back down or higher up the peak past peeps because some dingdong fell down and sprained their ankle, serious cramping, bleeding...haha miss the dissing we make at each other..the way we sat unglamourously on our backsides and slid down due to muddy slopes and the exhilaration of reaching the peak! miss the brilliant food (pasta! mee siam! cheng teng!) our brilliant chefs make(muahaha nobodie believes we do that...somehow we're supposed to rough it out and eat bark. funny...) haha and ze waterfalls!!!! hee and the people of course :) dreams and memoirs aside...haha life has been centered around food, school, my table and aircon, my wu xia books(finished my yi tian tu long ji and reading shen diao xia lu!!! haha cheated of course...i skipped parts) and freaking myself out by dreaming about the plots...the tv (!!!!) and haha of course...my bed!!!!!! *gRINz* am i not the perfect slacker? hahaha..oh yesssh!!! but i've bought leo ku's cd! finnaaaallllyyy! muahaha! was triapsing around in orchard wif steph (thank you midarling!!!! hee it's my turn to buy you a good luck charm :)) searching for a scandalous pair of boxers for me lil bro's bdae...went to hmv and muahahahaha! couldn't resist! haha so now nobita's sitting in me cd player :) i'm crazy lah. *sMILez* hahaha well so now i'm a certified swaku....haha and an embarrassment...before that our class gals went to kfc (at first it was swensens..then thai express...then sushi tei...and..notice the degrading..) and after monching on a very petite burger called Shrooms (brooms.) heheh me and pingy went to the kiddy playground and started playing!!!! rahahahaha!!! only gave up when a whole trrop of kids came in and greeedily eyed me bouncy gadget hahaha...and then they were horrified to know that i knew nuts about far east...harhar...well...now i'm educated. *seriously nods*...can't be helped when 1) you hate crowds 2) girly stuff kills your eyes...hahaha...yeps! almost risked our reputation in being so desparate for a pair of funky boxers in deciding to step into the house of c*nd*ms. almost. :) *gRINz* but i bought him a postbaggy bag.... haiz and yesh!!!! dun ever go to yunnan restaurant in imm! Horrible. Terrible. Haunting...haha me dad wanted to bring us to this really deserted restaurant which looked quite scary haha..so we decided to go to a more crowded place thinking that the quality of food could be better. Haiz... REPLAY: Mama Lim: Oh! they've renovated ther entire level. (we arrive at a grand looking restaurant that has a signboard reading yunnan restaurant. We are impressed.) -after one minute- (We all freeze. Peer into the reautarant.) Me: Wow. The place seems rather empty (correction. apart from the waiters and waitresses and this family, it IS empty.) (We all smile weakly. and brave ourselves for the worst.) Hahaha so that's what happened...haiz...actually the sha guo tofu was good (tofu is nice....) and the steamed feesh was not too bad...but...But...BUT!!! In this particular dish...instead of giving us the greens for veg...( apart from onions and carrots for the other dishes!!! ) they gave us the stalks! (and it was the same kind of veg sbleagh...and downed it in some really feeshy smelling sauce which tasted of the sea...(!!-_-) haha but was really amused when the waiter was serving us food and i turned to look at the tv to watch what was going on and he turned too!! whilst serving!!! and it happened soooo many times to so many peeps!!!! ackkk!!!!!! hahahaa was about to fall into stitches man... yesh...and now i've decided that all ghosts have long hair.channel u had one with some girl dressed in red (ahh...lesson 1) they are called "yuen gui"s) haha and channel 5's gonna have some extraordinary tales thing with the same long haired ghost...who wears white now...hahahaha.....pardon me maiziness (corniness....)...am starting to get an idea of how lame i am...must be my bro....hahaahahahahaha..... it's so good to be happy!!! shalalalala....