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hahaha! yeah...and am in the midst of composing and writing a song amidst all my sniffling (i've turned to using the toilet roll) ...haiz..gives u an idea of how bored i am.. hahaha anyway....congrats to all ns men wif shortened service times!!! :)
*gRINz* happy belated father's day everybody! haha...how did u guys celebrate yesterday's fine occassion? hee saturday night was a whole lot of last minute rush...my sis was on the comp burning pics into powerpoint and on the cd and trying to synchronise this instrumental piece of music with the flow of the slide show...and me amidst all the crayons, colour pencils, scissors stencils and markers desperately coming up with a card design and a cd cover design for his gift...we took like 3 hours...haiz...haha but he was so touched! *bEAMS* told me mom we treated him like a king haha...and of course we spent sat and sun nite pigging out wif steamboat and westlake food...haha.. hohoh~!! did u guys read the newspapers??? haha!!! sengkang's going to have horseback riding classes!!!!!! hmm...must find a way to join it altho it's really far from home...hee... yesh! that's all...
argh!!! i've uploaded all the pics!!! but the comp went haywire as i tired to type in the captions...sobness...
*gRINz* haha just had me "post reading" nap..went out into the kitchen to eat a pear after downing three lozenges (zyndell's brand's really nice!)...er, after the first one was swallowed unintentionally...and my mom called me into the living room to say that a certain student from my relief teaching had called...and when my mom asked him why, he said he had a problem...about frens/juniors who were kind of upset their teacher was leaving... *sMILez* was very amused when my mom apparently told him she was "miss lim's mother and a teacher too" and urged him to spill out the beans about what was troubling him..haha and er though i'm not sure whether she gave any sound advice that appeased his worries, i guess i was rather touched...(haha kind of an influence from brilliant teachers like chen lao shi, yang lao shi and mr low i guess...and partly me mom..)that my students would turn to me when they're troubled..or that they'd relentlessly invite me into their msn chatrooms everytime i turn up even now..maybe that's how it should have been all the time, the relationship between teacher and student...that which is mixed between a role of a friend yet someone whom they are able to trust and turn to when it just seems cheesy turning to their frens or parents and siblings...and of course teaching them lessons that encompass more than the academic... it's quite sad seeing how many classes i've walked in to teach and some of whom start complaining about how thier teacher always puts them down...especially the "worst" classes and letting all they're saying get to their head...and how there's always an "outcast" in the class...dunno what their teacher says about it tho...most seemed quite eager to simply have a "presentable"- quiet and puppets-class without any trouble...or so it seems to those as dense as percy weasely and crouch (haha nope! i haven't gotten over the two books yet...)...what wif all the staffroom politics going on at the same time..seriously if those "teachers" are so free doing backstabbing and gossiping (well about the latter maybe a bit would be okie...otherwise teachers would have positively gone bonkers) why can't they just concentrate on helping the kids? argh! sighness...i wonder if there's anything i could be for a lifetime without office politics...maybe i'd do that...haha that probably only leaves 3 possibilities: roadsweeper/toilet cleaner (no, methinks they still have politics...), be a cook (and i can't cook...well not many dishes...)and last resort..haha a farmer/ housewife (definitely not the last one)...ack! haha that really sort of leaves nothing eh.. haiz...pardon me...went a bit off course....
haiz on an afternote...woke up with a dreadful sorethroat today tho...shu midarling..let's hope everything's okie on thursday then we can explore the newly opened je library yah?!*gRINz* haha me mom chucked this suspicious looking pack of humongous moldy green tablets called lozenges that were prescribed by a clinic to my sis when she fell ill herself TEN years ago..sobness...henceforth am wisely bearing wif the urge to wring my neck until reinforcements arrive...and no water too! well maybe perhaps the toilet bowl pumps are working..terrible pipe burst so me dad's turned off the supply for the time being...haiz... *gRINz* haha! well at least it wasn't a blackout!!! sparing us the trouble of triapsing down to the cool haven of seven eleven too (for the aircon) and having to look like we were not delinquents or potential terrorists loitering around *memoirs of a certain blackout a month ago at midnight*
Sighness...after reading (and watching) really tragic stories this year, i'm positive my tear ducts'll go on a romping rebellion anytime soon...not to mention ze nose that aches even from a gentle touch...haiz... Heh just read harry potter and the goblet of fire and the order of the phoenix again...drat them (pardon the vulgarity...appears that i've been reading too much of ron...) both for creating streams of tears over cedric, sirius, dumbledore, and the whole lot of wizards....a fair share of weeping (til me papa and mama were on the brink of thinking me looney) over gallant deaths and being hopelessly touched my attepts to assume parenthood... *gRINz* haha! but i love fred and george! muahaha! highly satisfying and admirable.. the way they rode into the sunset and all without caring an inch about umbridge...hee and professor mcgonagall...brilliant! heh pardon me senseless ranting...it's a reading high after reading nonstop til 4am this morning from last night and then waking up at 8 am to finish up the books...haha! ah well!! off to sleep i suppose...and medicine time...
*gRINz* haha am watching this channel 8 chinese show whilst typing...amazing how one's always drawn to fairytale stories...and always getting this keen sense of satisfaction when the female protagonist ends up with the male protagonist of the story haha...and even more so when the girl has a rival who's much prettier and has better qualifications but lacks a pretty character...*bEAMs* must be this "good vs evil" concept i guess... which reminds me...haha does anyone know what exactly happened in "breakfast at tiffany's"? a movie in italian isn't exactly very comprehensible....hahaha... haiz...okie dokes! time to study soon!!! enuff slacking..... p.s. haha wanna watch harry potter again1!! who's game? :)
hahaha i'm back from mauritius! *gRINz* haha well before i start on my adventure-recall lemme correct a few mistakes... haha it's draco, not lucius malfoy (ding dong me...) and mauritius not maldives!! yupsh! hee pardon my late account...fell sick on the last day..got super carsick( the ride from the hotel to the airport took 1 plus hours...terribly bumpy and winding road...:S....) and came down with a flu..my nose is as bright as a reindeer and sore now...(!!-_-) sobness...not to mention a bit of jet lag...missed everyone! :) hahaha! anyways..mauritius is terribly beautiful!!! haha and the weather was so much better than singapore! hee just like all magazines the sand's really white and the water ever so clear! just swim 3-4 metres out and one swims directly into a school of zebra fish and a kind of fish that appears silvery white but as it swims it relects a rainbow of colours upon its small body...not to mention many corals and an occasional huge fish, strange looking marine animals and a sea lizard to set my elder sis screaming out of the waters...haha Chris and i had to escort jie all the way out..beautiful! haha oh yesh! we'd see one or two beautiful seashells (regrettably occupied my mr hermit crab)and gape haha...the only setback of the beach was the lack of complete seashells..or rather, too many crushed seashells lying around haiz..haha and the water was freezing! ('twas winter time in mauritius..around 17 degrees celsius) after running up to the beach to play more wif their sand the sun would be beating down hard on us on the right and a biting cold wind on our left we didn't know whether to feel cold or hot...bleah... *gRINz* haha oh!!! and the night sky was magnificent!!!! the term "star spangled" sky would have been really apt!!! thousands of stars were splashed all over the night sky glittering and shining, pulling the observer into its depths and wide expanse of deep blue and yet brilliant sky..haha i saw my first shooting star!!!!! happiness!!! hee for the record my first ever shooting star was on the 10th of june, 3:45 am! hahaha! and after that saw 5 more shooting stars and perhaps many more muahahah! yay!!! hee if we were to create an equation about our stay, it would be sleep more than eat more than watch tv more than play...hahaha...we were practically leading the high life of a pig with buffet breakfasts and buffet dinners daily...feasting on chocolate mousse and delicious deserts..savouring their breads, pasta etc etc..haha we'd eat their italian, french, creole and mauritian food til we'd go running back to the loo at our hotel house...madness...ooh! haha and then watch endless movies and dramas in italian, french, german and english as well as mulitple bollywood movies etc etc etc...like unbreakable, ice age, matrix, dante's peak,breakfast at tiffasny's(moon river's really nice!), 50 first dates, anna and shaolin (on the plane)blah blah...haha what amused me was this jacky chan cartoon translated into french that was being screened on the mauritius main channels...he's gotten that famous huh... haha and the people there are nice and gallant! *gRINz* on my first day in mauritius whilst taking the van(kind of reminded me of odac expeditions) to our hotel, there was this insane and deliriously happy girl called blanche gazing fascinatedly out of the open window with cold wind blowing into my face...haha beaming at everyone we passed and they just waved at me! haha of course i did some waving too and this old guy who was smoking his pipe on the roadside lifted it out and bowed his head with a smile as the tour van zipped past him...haha i guess it comes from their french origins though majority of the population are third generations indians from...er...india...haha! and they're always ready to help and smile with the word "bonjour"....although there were some who were always sullen faced..hee..yesh! hoho on the second day we went shopping...and a bit of sightseeing...decided not to go 1) horseback riding (which made me very disappointed....) cos the rest of the family didn't want to go...2)on the submarine cos it cost like 550 us dollars (!!!!???) for a family sized one...3)rent a yacht and scuba dive whilst my papa fish...too ex too la and the germans living in the house above us didn't catch any fish the day before...4)kayak or jet ski...boohoo even though it was free no one in my family were game for it...and so much more..haha yesh! so we bought shirts...cos their shirt designs were really nice, much better than 37 degrees and op and of great quality too! haha i guess i won't need to do any shopping for next year too...a bit refreshing for me dear frens too eh...yupsh! and bought some chocs and yoghurt...haha mauritius is supposed to be rather famous for their yoghurt...not too creamy and solidified yet not too liquidy too! hee and i guess their chocs come in bulk...imported from africa...haiz..a pity tho cos this supermarket we went to in curepipe just ran out of this brand of chocs that was really nice...otherwise we'd have bought loads of it and given me dear frens haiz... haha then we went to see another signature product of mauritius...their handmade ships! haha! we were brought to this factory which showed us the entire process (each miniature ship was reproduced from its ancestors/ real ships with a history!) ranging from the really small (as big as your palm) to the humongous! (its length was about 2 metres!) haha yet the quality was not compromised...each ship was made to its original design etched on leather (gave me a feeling of viewing some ancient treasure map) and was installed with muskets (of course fake ones...) tiny windows, benches, tables and the lot! brilliant! haha...visited their jewellery shops too...selling thick gold, uncut diamonds..and at this commercial centre it became shopper's haven for my sis and mama...haha chris, my dad and i went to hideout, looking at their chirstmas flowers, various flowers outside the shops while my sis and mama haggled...haha...with my lil brother giving constant updates...of round one, round two as the pair graduated from shop to shop..haha oh! but i saw this chessboard that looked like a smaller replica of wizard's chess in harry potter and many other decorative pieces that looked like it came from ben loh's house hahaha...many middle east and african products! yesh! hee then we visited mounntains, saw a very scenic view of eastern mauritius on a mountain/hill that extended out into the sea and a volcano..drove around the crater...haha and my dad didn't realise it was the volcano until hazaar (our tour guide for the day) completed the drive since it was covered with trees hahaha...amusement...my parents are really cute hahaha... dad,sitting next to hazaar in front, after the drive around: "hazaar, where's the volcano?" hazaar, pointing out the window: "just next to us." dad: "oh...where's the crater?" haha! he's really cute eh, me dad! haha and my mom too... yuph! haha oh! and there's a district called montagne blanche! haha! with the mountian range and village hall cum significant areas in that vicinity named after "blanche" too muahaha! hee oh but the entire country (excluding the city, port louis) was really quite rundown...with nothing but winding and narrow roads with no barrier to keep the car from driving into the sea or out the mountain trail should it lose control... hee and their ministries were not equipped wif beautiful facilities like we have in singapore (heck, mo education took up a huge plot of land!)...their ministry of education grounds was like a huge terrace occupying a slightly more spacious area of land as compared to the terrace houses here, nothing like the sky high buildings one would expect to find...their shops are quite rundown...although an entire shop could be dedicated to arcade games or a movie house (no commercial buildings)..and they'd have "cold storage" supermarkets throughout but not as sophisticated as the ones you find here, really rundown with no aircon... hee well given the weather everywhere was operating without aircon or fans... haha oh! and their churches, catholic or christian are all very traditional and small..like those u find in vampire stories...one-housed with triangular roofs and a corss on top standing alone...beautiful places...and maybe a few other indian temples scattered here and there as well..haha oh! their busstops are made of concrete, like houses decorated with paints...could be either donated by the district grounds or the government..and the busstops painted my the locals...hee i loved the kraft singles ad..too bad i couldn't capture a pic of it...(!!-_-) hee and the atmosphere there was kind of australian...really laidback...the shops closed on mondays and tuesdays...at 5 pm, opening at 10.30 am (i guess it must have been due to the early sunset due to winter) haha life must be really slack...but the strange thing was the streets were nearly empty during the evenings and even during the day..rather lonely place even though the place was cluttered with houses crammed along the streets...even though one could see loads of colourful houses from pink, red to orange, there were houses that were not painted...grey and dull...and even houses that even though were only completed halfway (only the first floor had been fully built with the pillars of the second floor and maybe one or two walls seen) people had already started to move in...and it was the same for the cafes... yesh!!! hee oh! but the school uniforms there are beautiful! sort of the band attire one wears in secondary school days...the girls wearing white collared long sleeves with matching checkered vests and skirt...for some schools it was just like our school attire for the guys...hee and the school names are really long, french names...called government schools too..with only one university in the entire island... haha yupsh! and the sunset was really beautiful! although it started to set at5 plus and finally total darkness at 6.30...rather early eh...but it must have been cos of the fact that we lived in the west, and cos our hotel was situated in a part of the island that was surrounded by a cove with huge waves appearing to crash on the reefs a few hundred metres away from the beach, sheltering the area and also being not far away from the horizon, sending up seaspray...with the varying colours of the sky as the sun made its descent slowly but surely (u could actually see it making a climb downwards towards the sea in a straight but a path follwing the curve of the globe)...ah it was brilliant! haha not to mention the wondrous night sky that appeared to have so much more stars as you looked harder an hour later... a paradise surely...and a wonder to see another masterpiece of God... haha well so i'm back...darker, fatter, tired, hotter (my body still hasn't adjusted back to hot ole singapore) , sick of coconut and having lamb phobia (it was all i smelt apart from the fresh sea and land breeze...) and having flu...regretting i didn't go to the leader's retreat...hee but i'm happy! had great family time..and a chance to know God through His works....haha i love mauritius!!! happiness! hee okie...here's my boring crap for a day...will fill u guys in if there's anything i've forgotten...haha...see ya all then!
hahaha i must be going mad...went last min shopping for tmw's trip...then bought ziplock bags and titbits...checking out the ponchos and stuff before realising that heck, i wasn't going for an expedition! (!!-_-) haha and my whole family was about to pack nothing but shorts and beach wear...when my mom came back with an announcement that it was going to be around 17 degrees celsius there since it was autumn time...hahahaha...amusement...*gRINz* and my brother's going crazy checking out the ammenities on air mauritius...both of us freaked out when we saw the miserable plane food in the pics hahahaha...and even more so when he mentioned the possibility of us sitting the malaysian airlines instead...hahaha!!! amusement...goodness i'm going crazy wif laughter....
*gRINz* haha the power of music!!! hee was listening to yes 93.3 and heard su you peng's new song...haha it's really nice!!! hee must remind me to buy his new cd...it's one of those few voices which carry you through every lilt and and key, and at the end of the song leave you thirsting for more, amazed at the sheer beauty of the voice and wanting to relive it again...haha he's one of those who can successfully achieve those standards...with the mellowness and resounding voice that gives u a surround sound effect ack! haha i'm convinced anyone with the surname su can sing lah...look at willam so/su yong kang! brilliant! haha apart from these...haf been listening to saxophone songs...something my lil bro's into with kenny G..which is made up mainly of variations of the scales..beautiful... can't imagine a day without music...
*gRINz* haha oh yah! will be off for mauritius from the 9th to 13th...this wednesday to sunday!!! haha my papa mama wanted to go mountain climbing to appease my outdoor instinct..considering that i'll have to look after 4 members of my family who have no experience...to come up with a first aid kit...borrow compass, throwrope, plan the route, check out the mountain etc etc etc...haiz...not so advisable eh...although i really want to go!!! haha wanna borrow a backpack and zoom off....
*gRINz* haha today was a rather hectic day...and money gone down the drain in taxi fares...i guess mr taxi driver would have been rather happy (!!-_-) hee then again on hindsight, if anything could be done to reduce my late factor for church.... Yesh! haha and apart from that, spent a bomb on arcade games at plaza sing's ezone and victor's bowl! haha new discovery...i am super psycho motor...haha not that i just discovered it...sobness lah...played this "red-blue-green" jap game with priscilla of my sec 1 dearies and we were either too slow or too dodo to get what each round required!!! argh~!!!! haha but there is undue satisfaction in slamming the buttons as fast as u can...muahaha!!! i shall conquer the game one day!!! *gRINz* haha and many more games on daytona racing (love the thrill of going fast!!!! woohoo!!!) haha racing cars and racing bikes...heh a bit crude i might admit but well! i am so not cut out for skirts or platforms! in short-dressing up's not for me hahah...spent only 5 min changing today (cum ironing) and i bet i must haf looked hideous (well i was to me...haha...) yesh! but if there was one person who didn't look hideous, it would have to be shah!!!! haha!!! she looked like an exotic egyptian queen...beautiful!! haha oh but why does the bride groom have to carry a kris? actually i did feel strange...and all her fellow classmates and ex-classmates were standing around not knowing what to do apart from chatting, eating, taking photos with the newly weds..ack!!! haha i'm only 18!! and peeps are already planning/getting married!!!for all u know i'll remain this way for the rest of my life man!!! haha i guess ms chua must have been feeling strange too...*sMILEz* but if a couple feels that they are ready to spend the rest of their life together...and they succeed at such a young age, i'm really impressed and respect their decision...way to go shah! *sMILEz* if you do see this...i applaud u and all the best yah! hee may you two have happy days ahead of u...to grow old together and be surrounded by lots of descendants! heh all of whom are geniuses i bet...haha and thank u for the beautiful glass rose! (i mean...door gift...) hee yesh! and i admit it was a good chance to see all my so3j classmates and frens again! haha u never realise how much u miss someone until u meet them and recall the good times together..*sMILez* after zat...it was zoom!!! all the way to marina bay and then victor's bowl where ym had our annual bowling gala! haha all in the name of good sportsmanship and fellowship! *bEAMs* am really happy that my sec one dears are getting to be on such good terms they can call each other by nicknames...which is really good! haha...and i do agree with how adriel did things with our own group and using it with these peeps...to treat them as equals..*gRINz* then u'll realise that they're not as "childish" as others may think they are..haha well, maybe in behaviour (oh no! maybe i'm becoming more childish!!! (!!@_@)) but individuals worthy of respect in their own way..there's really something good in everyone to be magnified! hee no one's really bad to the core..just that no one and maybe they themselves haven't opened their eyes to their good points yet... hahahahaha! *timeout* hahahaha!!! chris was singing with such gusto he sang O.K. (Off key) hahaha..now the two of us can't stop laughing.... haha okie doke! shall go rest my tired self in dreamland!!!!
*gRINz* hahaha!!!! i love soups!!! hot soups! *bEAMs* haha drank this korean soup and half an hour later this other fish-meatball-xian cai soup my mama brewed! and another half an hour later this chinese herbal chicken soup! Yummilicious!!!! :) love it!!! haahahahaha! happiness!!!
hee found this from a website commentary..notice what they've warned us on how we shouldn't misread the text...a form which was taken up by the pastor... " Looking to Jesus: Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) Balancing work and reflection is tricky. Most people in Western cultures are forced to live harried lives. Often their full schedules are full of "good" activity, labor that has merit. One of the demands of a full schedule is that the activity be prioritized. Some things come high on the list; others must wait. Sometimes priorities have to be shuffled at the last minute to meet needs. The account of Martha and Mary is about such priorities, especially when the options are good ones. This short passage is capable of being misread in a couple of ways (Alexander 1992:167-86). First, it is not about women; it is a passage on discipleship. Its point is not that women can get too easily caught up in the busy work of keeping the home. What is said to Martha about Mary would be equally true if Mary were male or even a child. The fact that two women dominate the story would have been shocking in the first-century context, where men often dismissed women as marginal, but the account is designed to make a point about all disciples. Second, the point is not that activity like Martha's is bad. The choice Jesus discusses with Martha is between something that is good and something that is better. Life is full of tough choices, and Jesus is stressing the relative merits of good activities here. For conscientious people, such choices are often the most difficult and anxiety-filled. Martha receives Jesus at her home as he travels from one village to another. John 11:1, 18 and 12:1 tell us that this home was in Bethany, so Jesus appears to be a few miles outside Jerusalem when this encounter occurs. This is one of several meal scenes Luke will narrate. Besides the host and the teacher, the other protagonist is the host's sister, Mary, who sits at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. This is reminiscent of the Jewish saying in m. `Abot 1:4: "Let your house be a meeting house for the Sages and sit amidst the dust of their feet and drink in their words with thirst." Martha is not comfortable with Mary's approach to Jesus' visit, since she could use another hand in the kitchen. She requests Jesus' aid: "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me." We know that Martha's viewpoint is questionable not only because of Jesus' reply but also because the text says she makes the comment while being distracted by all the preparations. In fact, in Greek she asks the question in such a way that the Lord is expected to give a positive answer (note the particle ou). The Lord does care, and Martha fully expects him to tell Mary to get up and help. But as is often the case when Jesus is asked to settle a dispute, he refuses to side with the one who asks that things be decided in a particular way (compare Lk 12:13; Jn 8:4-7). Yet he responds tenderly and instructs in the process. The double address "Martha, Martha" indicates the presence of caring emotion, as such an address does elsewhere (6:46; 8:24; 13:34; 22:31). Jesus questions her not because of her activity but because of her attitude about it: "You are worried and upset about many things." By comparing what she is doing to what Mary is doing, she has injected unnecessary anxiety into the visit. "Only one thing is needed." With this remark Jesus sets priorities. "Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Jesus commends the hearing of the word at his feet. To take time out to relate to Jesus is important. The language of the passage recalls Deuteronomy 8:3 (Wall 1989:19-35). In a sense Mary is preparing to partake in the "right meal" (Deut 6:1-8). What she has done by sitting at Jesus' feet will remain with her. This meal will last. Jesus is not so much condemning Martha's activity as commending Mary's. He is saying that her priorities are in order. To disciples Jesus says, "Sit at my feet and devour my teaching. There is no more important meal."
*gRINz* i'm back from the festival of praise!!! darlene zschech has a really beautiful voice and the band was absolutely brilliant! drums and all!!! haha but most importantly, you could feel and hear each and everyone of us singing our own love song to Him...each voice coming from the heart...Halleilujah! Hee got so overwhelmed by the love and His presence that was pouring forth...the praise and the majesty and everything that He was and is...especially when we sang "All the heavens"... so much so that i could almost imagine heaven and really being in His presence up there...and later dumbfound me with the realisation that heaven must be infinitely more majestic, resounding with the voices of not only us who filled the indoor stadium...but of angels and His children..especially of everyone around this world...praising His name and shouting halleilujah! loving Him! and yet all our love placed together would not be sufficient to praise all that He is...insufficient to express His love for us... However if you guys went and intend to go for FOP, i'd like to caution you all against the sermon of the New Creation pastor..haha me and chuah and ruthie midarling were rather pissed...cos he was teaching the wrong thing, preaching what was basically and essentially wrong! why? 1)"the battle is the Lord's and the victory is ours"- he was so wrong! the correct saying would and always will be, "the battle is the Lord's and the victory is His, always!" 2)the prosperity gospel is crap. Wrong. Incorrect. A miserable attempt to please the people. He should have been preaching what the Lord wanted us to hear! not what was pleasing to our ears! Yes! the Lord seeks to bless us, but we have and had no right to demand of whatever we want as though it were a matter of fact! We never did deserve it! And i hope he realises it! It is only by the grace of God that we have what we have today, all His blessings!...he was just missing the point man! 3) the parable of the prodigal son was used to emphasize on how heaven and the Father rejoices when one turns back to Him...NOT the Father loving the son who went astray because he wanted to take from his dad! wrong! goodness! it even sounds morally wrong! And praise the Lord for darlene when she came in and corrected that blockhead subtlely...rebutting his "one way for us to be blessed is to TAKE instead of serving Him... Take from His life.." and screwed up teaching of an arrogant spoilt brat she said the one thing..the one thing! that the Lord wants from us is to seek Him, to love Him, to praise Him...for we were born to praise Him..to love Him and sing of His greatness...that was all we were born to do..such was the reason why we were made! That's all He wants of us...for us to give our lives to Him, every part of ourselves..to have a relationship with him..that was the point of the story of martha..not because she wanted to take alone! and that the other sister was wrong not because of her service and not knowing how to take, but it was in not focusing on what was right-the Lord. frankly speaking...he said alot of things wrongly..he was twisting the doctrine to an image no better than that of an occult..simply put, he was blaspheming! God wants a worshipful church..not a church who worships to get their material benefits...it's similar to someone marrying another not because he or she loves that person, but because of that person's money...hateful isn't it? Isn't that what the pastor has been preaching? I was aghast to see so many of the congregation responding and agreeing with him..and all i can say is if any of u read it do tell your friends that the pastor is wrong. Just so wrong..Christianity is not all about a magic wand and having a fairy godmother who grants you your every whim and fancy..and that includes his crap on asking the Lord to grant an aging person youth..when what is important is the salvation and the eternal life with Him in His courts alone! May the spirit of truth, the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of discernment be upon you my friends..to speak the truth i'm worried for people at new creation if it's what they're hearing...and people who went today and those tomorrow...and i'm worried for the pastors who are disillusioned...i know it's mean but i hope he loses his voice or sth tomorrow...or that someone corrected him..it's much better than preaching lies to a congregation of impressionable youths... But, go, because you want to praise the Lord, and in the knowledge of what has been falsified...with a discerning and sensitive heart to the voice of the Spirit in telling you what is right, and what is wrong...for i know that without his preaching...the worship is and truely belongs to the Lord..and that's how it should be, always, not about ourselves.
Hahahaha!!! am back from watching harry potter!!!! *gRINz* problem one....the characters look so good now!!! emma watson's super chio and daniel radcliffe is positively growing up looking better than before! haha not to mention his wizard's robes and his clothes make him look cool...haha...pardon me senseless gushing...poor lucius malfoy looked malnourished tho...haha and haggard...his hair's all over the place and he's visibly taller and skinnier... hee apart from it...not satisfied..2 and a half hours was perhaps too limited a time for them to expand on the plot...they didn't even expound on who wormtail, prongs and the lot were...and quidditch was disappointing...the dementors looked like a cross between seaweed and squids..yeah and sirius and lupin were sad...haha felt depressed for harry and his parents and sirius...knowing what happened to him...but there were loads of laughs too! haha my classmates had to remind me to breathe...oh dear... *sMILEz* yesh! oh yah! haha! and i met terence cao(chao guo hui)-the mediacorp chinese actor...haha i realise that many actors and actresses go to plaza sing to watch movies...haha...yesh..and he looked good in his long sleeved shirt and tie...yupsh!! off to meet jan!!!